USApple Awards Rensselaer City School District with Apples4Ed Grant

Apple Exports, Value Down for 2018 Crop, Says USApple

Chicago (August 22, 2019)—Apple exports for the 2018 crop were down 27 percent from the previous year, said the U.S. Apple Association today at the organization’s annual Crop and Outlook Marketing Conference. The value of apple exports fell by 22 percent, from $1.1 billion in 2017 to $854 million for the 2018 crop. Amid growing … Continued

USDA’s Top Trade Official to Speak at USApple’s Outlook Conference

Falls Church, Va. (July 22, 2018)—The U.S. Apple Association today announced that USDA  Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney will speak at the organization’s 2019 Crop Outlook and Marketing  Conference in Chicago on Aug. 23.  The Crop Outlook & Marketing Conference, Aug. 22-23, is the premier event to preview, forecast and discuss the … Continued

USApple Commends H2A Proposal

Falls Church, Va. (July 18, 2019)—The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) is pleased that the Labor Department is proposing to improve and streamline the H-2A program.  The official publication of the proposal is expected to occur sometime this week, which will start the clock on a 60-day period for public comment. “Apple growers are increasingly reliant … Continued

Statement on USMCA Grassroots Support

The following letter urging ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was sent to congressional leaders from nearly 1,000 food and agriculture organizations, including the U.S. Apple Association. Below is a statement from USApple President & CEO Jim Bair regarding swift passage of the USMCA. Bair is a member of a steering committee of CEOs leading … Continued

Matthew Hendrickson Hired as Manager of Association Services

Falls Church, Va.  (May 29, 2019)—The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) today announced that Matthew Hendrickson will join the organization in the newly created position of Manager of Association Services. Hendrickson brings a wealth of experience in association and nonprofit management, including member development, program administration, business operations and board governance. Hendrickson comes to USApple from … Continued

Statement on Removal of Section 232 Tariffs

“The U.S. Apple Association commends the Trump Administration for the removal of Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum on Mexico and Canada and the successful negotiation of provisions going forward to protect agriculture from being drawn into future trade disputes involving metals. “We welcome the return of duty-free access to Mexico, our largest export … Continued

Apples4Ed Grant to Fund Cooking & Curriculum for Montana Students

Livingston, Mont. (May 8, 2019)—The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) today awarded the last of its 2019 Apples4Ed grants to Livingston, Mont. school Winans Elementary. The $4,000 grant will provide funding for students to participate in monthly cookery and curriculum lessons on healthy snacking. Following Montana State University’s Harvest of the Month (HOM) program, students will learn about … Continued

Michigan School for the Deaf Awarded with Apples4Ed Grant

Flint, Mich. (May 7, 2019)—At a celebratory event today at the Michigan School for the Deaf, which included Gary McDowell, director of the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the U.S. Apple Association (USApple) awarded students with a $4,000 Apples4Ed grant.  The Michigan school was selected from numerous nationwide applications for its proposal to … Continued

Milwaukee Vocational School Awarded Apples4Ed Grant

Milwaukee, Wisc. (May 2, 2019)—The Northwest Opportunities Vocational Academy (NOVA) in Milwaukee has been awarded an Apples4Ed grant by the U.S. Apple Association (USApple) to provide funding for the creation of a student-managed agricultural area at the school. The $4,000 grant is one of five being given this year by USApple to help schools provide … Continued

USApple Awards Rensselaer City School District with Apples4Ed Grant

Rennselaer, N.Y. (April 29, 2019)—The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) today awarded a $4,000 grant to the Rensselaer City School District as part of its 2019 Apples4Ed program. The grant will provide funding for the school district to create a healthy snacking program that encourages student participation in physical activity. “The Rensselaer City School District really … Continued