USApple Selects 2019 Young Apple Leaders

USApple Awards Baltimore School with Apples4Ed Grant

Baltimore, Md. (April 26, 2019)—The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) today awarded a $4,000 grant to Baltimore’s Robert W. Coleman Elementary as part of its 2019 Apples4Ed program. The grant will provide approximately 200 ‘weekend survival’ food-filled backpacks to its homeless student population. “Receiving numerous applications from across the country, Robert W. Coleman Elementary really stood … Continued

EWG’s “Dirty Dozen” List is Harmful and Wrong

Falls Church, Va., (March 20, 2019)—The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) is calling the Environmental Working Group’s “Dirty Dozen” list, released today, both “harmful” and “wrong.” The report, issued annually, offers consumers an extremely biased view of various fruits and vegetables to avoid based on misleading and flawed reporting by the activist group. “Mom was almost … Continued

Apple Growers in Washington to Talk Trade, Ag Labor at FlyIn

Washington, DC (March 13, 2019)—More than 90 apple growers from across the nation met Wednesday in Washington, DC, to take part in the U.S. Apple Association’s (USApple) annual Capitol Hill Day. Meeting with more than 100 legislative offices during the fly-in, they expressed their support and concerns for priority issues like ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada … Continued

Statement Re: State of the Union Address

“The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) welcomes President Trump’s State of the Union remarks on the importance of trade, especially as it pertains to the agriculture sector. With more than 30 percent of fresh apples destined for overseas markets, trade policies play a critical role in the health of the apple industry. “Mexico and Canada are … Continued

USApple Selects 2019 Young Apple Leaders

Jan. 23, 2019 (FALLS CHURCH, Va.) – The U.S. Apple Association (USApple) today announced its class of 2019 Young Apple Leaders. Twenty-one accomplished and aspiring young women and men were selected by the organization to join with, and learn from, USApple leaders as they advocate on important issues impacting growers and the $15 billion per year … Continued