Who We Are

Let USApple help you reach your target audience!

About USApple

USApple is the only national trade association solely dedicated to representing the entire vertically integrated apple industry. Our work on national issues increases the demand for apples and apple products, and members also count on USApple for information and resources that enable them to run their businesses efficiently and profitably.

Let us help you reach growers, packers, shippers, marketers, processors, suppliers, and other businesses engaged in the industry!

Industry Estimated Downstream Value
Apple Producers Nationwide
Apple Associations Represented
Pounds of Apples Grown in U.S.

How can we help your business?

By partnering with USApple, you can leverage our relationships and outreach to expand your business. We offer engagement opportunities designed to help you connect with your prospects and customers in meaningful ways — from branding and lead generation to thought leadership and networking:

  • Advertising – via our bi-weekly e-newsletter (1,800 recipients and an open rate of more than 36%).
  • Thought Leadership – via sponsored e-blasts, e-news content, webinars or social media videos.
  • Events and Networking – Capitol Hill Day, Board of Directors meetings, and our annual Outlook Conference all create unique opportunities for you to connect one-on-one with our members.

Engagement opportunities are available to suit any budget, and we welcome the opportunity to get to know you and your business so we can make informed decisions on how best to connect you with our members.

To learn more, please contact Beth Sheahan at bsheahan@thewymancompany.com or 352-900-3835.

Become a Partner

To learn more, please contact Beth Sheahan at bsheahan@thewymancompany.com or 352-900-3835.