Chlorpyrifos Backgrounder

Cinnamon Applesauce Recall Backgrounder

Executive Summary Three brands of cinnamon applesauce pouches – all using the same manufacturer in Ecuador – were recalled in late 2023 due to lead and chromium contamination in the cinnamon. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigation into the matter found that the apple ingredients were safe for consumption and did not test positive … Continued

Agriculture Labor Backgrounder

Update: In March of 2021, the House passed the bipartisan Farm Workforce Modernization Act (FWMA), for the second time. Once again, USApple advocated for the bill and most “apple” congressional members voted for the measure.  Attention then turned to the Senate, where Mike Bennet (D-Colo.) and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) agreed to take the lead. Negotiations began … Continued

Apple Stages: From the Tree to the Grocery Store

What are the stages of an apple after it’s picked? Apples picked in the orchard are carefully (to avoid bruising) placed in harvest bins with a capacity of roughly 20 bushels (each bushel weighs about 42 pounds) that have been placed between the orchard rows to be collected as they are filled. The full bins … Continued

Apple Storage Backgrounder

How old is an apple by the time someone buys it at the grocery store? The question should not be about the “age” of the apple, or the time since it was picked, but rather it should be about how fresh the apple is. Growers and researchers have focused on the challenge of maintaining the … Continued

Apples and Wax Backgrounder

If you walked out into an orchard, picked an apple from the tree and rubbed that apple on your shirt, you would notice that it shined − you´ve just polished the natural wax that an apple produces to protect its high-water content. Without wax, vegetables and fruits, like apples, would lose their vital crispness and … Continued

Listeria Backgrounder

Listeria monocytogenes Listeria monocytogenes is an environmental pathogenic bacteria that can commonly be found in soil, water and vegetative matter. Because of the inherent association between Listeria and agricultural environments, the potential exists for Listeria to be introduced onto a variety of fresh produce products. Foods linked to contamination with Listeria monocytogenes include fresh produce … Continued

Pesticide Data Program Backgrounder

Background: In November 2024, USDA released its Pesticide Data Program (PDP) report for calendar year 2023. The report includes pesticide residue data from samples of fresh apples and also baby food applesauce. Each year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture selects a basket of commodities for pesticide residue testing under its PDP, with a strong focus … Continued

DPA Backgrounder

Activist groups have expressed concern about the fungicide diphenylamine (DPA), an important and widely used tool by the apple industry for post-harvest storage.

Chlorpyrifos Backgrounder

Several years ago, environmental groups petitioned EPA to revoke all tolerances for chlorpyrifos due to alleged impacts on drinking water and human health. The claims were largely based on a series of epidemiological studies that could not be substantiated or replicated, and were contradicted by actual monitoring data from sources such as the Washington State … Continued